Équipe Daniel Poitras
About Équipe Daniel Poitras
A real estate broker since 2009, Daniel is first and foremost a father involved in his community. Concerned about the well-being of his loved ones and his clients, he is always available to answer any questions or provide service! A great hockey fan and player, teamwork is a skill that comes naturally to him. Authenticity being unquestionably his greatest quality, he constantly strives to surround himself with collaborators who share the same values.
Courtier immobilier depuis 2009, Daniel est d’abord et avant tout un père de famille impliqué auprès de sa communauté. Soucieux du bien-être de ses proches et de ses clients, il est toujours disponible pour répondre à toutes questions ou prêter service! Très grand amateur et joueur de hockey, le travail en équipe est une habileté qui lui vient naturellement. L’authenticité étant sans conteste sa plus grande qualité, il veille constamment à s’entourer de collaborateurs qui partagent les mêmes valeurs.
*Sales data is calculated based on transaction information available to Agent Pronto at the time of publishing and may not accurately reflect all transactions for a given agent.
Ratings & Reviews
- Titan RE/MAX Quebec 2022
- English
- French
- Age-restricted communities
- First-time buyers
- Flipping & rehab
- Investment & property management
- Luxury properties
- Military
- Recreation & Vacation
- Relocation
- Community Activities
- Family
- Fitness & Exercise
- Food & Cooking
- Health & Wellness
- Music
- Nature
- Outdoor Activities
- Sports
QC E9400
15 years experience
Primary Office
2310 Rue Saint-Louis
Gatineau, QC J8T 5L8
Service Areas
Closes more listings than the average agent.
Is fluent in multiple languages
Has over 15 years experience as a licensed real estate agent.