- Adams Farm
- Appleridge
- Arlington Park
- Asheboro Community
- Battlefield
- Beechcroft
- Bellwood Village
- Benjamin Benson
- Brandt Trace Farms
- Brice Street Area
- British Woods
- Brookwood Gardens
- Bryson Ridge
- Carriage Hills
- Charles Aycock-Summit Ave
- Clinton Heights
- College Forest
- College Hill
- Country Park Acres
- Cumberland
- Delwood Park
- Downtown Greensboro
- Dudley Heights
- East White Oak
- Eastside Park
- Englewood Forest
- Fairview Homes
- Fisher Park
- Forest Valley
- Franklin Boulevard-Shirley Lane
- Friendly Acres
- Friendly Acres North
- Friendly Homes
- Friendly Lakes
- Friendswood
- Garden Homes
- Garriage Woods
- Glendale Hills
- Glenwood
- Grandover
- Green Valley
- Greenhaven
- Greentree
- Guilford Hills
- Hamilton Forest
- Hamilton Hills
- Hamilton Lakes
- Hampton Community
- Harbor
- Heath Community
- Hewitt Area
- Highland Park
- Hillsdale
- Holden Farms
- Hope Valley
- Hunter Hills
- Idlewood
- Jefferson Gardens
- Kings Forest
- Kings Mill
- Kirkwood
- Lake Daniel
- Lake Jeanette
- Lake Shore
- Lamrocton
- Latham Park
- Laurel Park
- Lawndale Homes
- Lincoln Heights
- Lindley Park
- Logan
- Longview Hills
- Lowdermilk Area
- Madison Woods
- Maple Ridge
- Martin Area
- Meadowood Homes
- Natchez Trace
- Nealtown Farms
- New Irving Park
- North Hills
- North Oaks
- Northern Shores
- O Henry Oaks
- Old Irving Park
- Old Ridge Meadows
- Old Towne
- Pennydale
- Phillips Ave
- Piedmont Hills
- Quaker Acres
- Quaker Run
- Rainbow-Meadowood
- Random Woods
- Rankin Area
- Robinridge
- Rolling Roads
- Rosewood
- Rotherwood
- Saddlecreek
- Sedge Field
- Sedge Park
- Sedgefield Lakes
- Shannon Hills
- Shannon Woods
- Sharing Trace
- Smith Homes
- Southmont
- Spicewood
- Spring Valley
- Starmount Forest
- Stephens Street
- Summit Hills
- Sunset Hills
- Textile Dr.-Waugh St.
- The Bluffs
- The Meadows
- The Orchard
- The Pines
- The Reserve
- The Thicket
- Three Meadows
- Warnersville
- Westbury
- Westerwood
- Westridge Heights
- Westwind Area
- Westwood
- Whitehall
- Wilpar Estates
- Woodland Hills
- Woodlea
- Woodlea Lakes
- Woodmere Park
- Woodridge
- Wynnmere