- Balthrope
- Barclay
- Bayberry
- Beaconsdale
- Beechwood
- Bernard Village
- Blount Point
- Brandon Heights
- Brentwood
- Briarfield
- Camp Alexander
- Campbell
- Carleton Falls
- Cedar Grove
- Central Newport News
- Chapel Park
- Charter Elm-Hanover Heights
- Chestnut
- Christopher Shores
- Church Creek
- Coles Forest
- Courthouse Green
- Curtis Tignor
- Deep Creek
- Deerfield
- Denbigh Plantation
- Denbigh Shores
- Downtown Newport News
- Dutch Village
- East Shore Park
- Eastburn
- Eastwood
- Garrow
- Gatewood
- Glendale
- Green Oaks
- Hertzler Farm
- Hidenwood
- Hilton Village
- Horsepoint Farm
- Hudson Terrace
- Huntington
- Ivy Farms
- Ivy Park
- James Landing
- Jefferson Park
- Jones Run
- Kiln Creek
- Lucas Creek
- Marshall
- Maxwell
- Menchville
- Menchville Meadows
- Merry Point Estates
- Morrison
- Nelson Place
- Newmarket Creek
- Newsome
- Newsome Park
- Nicewood
- North End
- North Hilton
- North Newmarket
- North Newport News
- Parkview
- Peach Orchard
- Pear Tree Hill
- Port Warwick
- Richneck
- Rivermont
- Riverside
- Robinson Terrace
- Salters Creek
- Scufflefield
- Sedgefield
- Snidow
- South Newport News
- Stoney Brook
- Stoney Run
- Stuart Gardens
- Summerlake
- Swansea Manor
- The Colony
- The Forest
- Tuckers Creek
- Turnberry
- Village Green
- Warick Courthouse
- Warwick Landing
- Warwick Lawns
- Warwick River
- Warwick on the James
- Wendwood
- West Shore Park
- Wickham
- Windmill Point
- Windsor Great Park
- Windward Towers
- Winterhaven
- Young's Mill