Rashida Beach
About Rashida Beach
Rashida Beach doesn’t just help her clients buy or sell their homes. She educates them along the way so they can be well informed prior to making decisions. These past few years have been some of the toughest times for many. However, Rashida prevailed and sold over a million dollars in real estate all while being a first-time boy mom. Rashida’s WHY is so big that failure is not an option. She goes above and beyond for her clients, constantly catering to their needs. She is a skilled and experienced customer service professional who has an unwavering passion for her clients. No matter who the clients are, they need an expert to guide them through the buying and selling process. Rashida truly believes in her client's goals. Rashida believes in the saying "For we walk by faith, not by sight. Walking by faith means that you continue to hold tight to the dreams God has whispered to your heart.
Top Cities
*Sales data is calculated based on transaction information available to Agent Pronto at the time of publishing and may not accurately reflect all transactions for a given agent.
- First-time buyers
- Flipping & rehab
- Luxury properties
GA 393538
5 years experience
Primary Office
3017 Bolling Way NE 252
Atlanta, GA 30305
Has over 5 years experience as a licensed real estate agent.