- Bocage-Citi Place-Concord Estates
- Broadmoor
- Broadmoor-Sherwood
- Brookstown
- Capital Heights
- City Park
- College Town
- Cortana-Villa del Rey
- Delmont Place
- Downtown
- Downtown Baton Rouge
- Downtown East
- East Baton Rouge
- East Fairfields-Melrose Place
- Eden Park
- Fairfields
- Fairwood
- Flower Streets
- Forest Heights-Sunnybrook
- Garden District
- Goodwood Homesites
- Hickey Town
- Highland-Perkins
- Highlands-Perkins
- Hundred Oaks
- Istrouma-Dixie
- Jefferson-Drusilla
- Jones Creek
- Kenliworth
- Kleinpeter
- Legion Village
- Lobdell-Woodale
- Lsu
- Mayfair
- Mid City
- Mid City North
- Mid City South
- Millerville
- North Baton Rouge
- North Community East Baton Rouge Parish
- North Sherwood Forest
- O'Neal
- Old Goodwood
- Old South Baton Rouge
- Park Forest-Oakcrest
- Pollard-Woodchase
- Prosperity
- Roseland Terrace
- Scotlandville
- Sherwood Forest
- South Bluebonnet-Nicholson
- South Burbank
- South Campus
- Southdowns
- Southside
- Southwest Baton Rouge
- Spanish Town
- Stevendale
- Tara
- The Avenues-Southern University
- The Bottom
- University Acres-Woodstone
- Valley Park
- Webb Park
- West Sherwood Forest