Kami Couch
About Kami Couch
In just a few years, Kami has solidified her reputation as a top realtor in Central Oregon. Professionalism and high-performing team work is the cornerstone of her business. She is no stranger to what makes operations run smoothly, as she has owned her own businesses for over 13 years. Her track record is a testament to her expertise and genuine passion for helping people. As someone who thrives on the thrill of conquering challenges and savoring the beauty of nature, Kami's outdoor spirit seamlessly aligns with her approach in real estate. Just as she navigates the rugged terrains of rock climbing and skiing, she fearlessly guides her clients through the intricate landscape of real estate, ensuring they reach their goals with confidence and satisfaction.
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*Sales data is calculated based on transaction information available to Agent Pronto at the time of publishing and may not accurately reflect all transactions for a given agent.
OR 201239576
3 years experience
Primary Office
Reed Market
Bend, OR 97702