- Albright
- Alston Avenue
- American Village
- Barclay to Sandlewood
- Brightleaf District
- Brightleaf at the Park
- Burch Avenue
- Central Park District
- Chandler-Breedlove
- City Center District
- Cleveland-Holloway
- Collier-Alston-Chenault-Homewood
- Colonial Village
- Country Club Heights
- Crest Street
- Croasdaile
- Cross-County
- Dixon Road
- Downing Creek
- Downtown Durham
- Duke Forest
- Duke Homestead
- Duke Park
- Duke University-East Campus
- Duke University-West Campus
- East Durham
- Eastway-Albright
- Ed Cook
- Eno River
- Erwin
- Falconbridge
- Forest Hills
- Fox Run
- Grande Park
- Greysons Green
- Grove Park
- Hardscrabble Plantation
- Hoover Road
- Hope Valley
- Hope Valley Farms
- Iverness Drive
- Lake Park
- Lakewood Park
- Latta Road
- Leigh Village
- Long Meadow
- Lyon Park
- MLK Jr
- Meridian
- Merrick Moore
- Milan Woods
- Morrehead Hill
- Ninth Street
- North Durham
- North Garrett Road
- Northeast Central Durham
- Northeast Durham
- Northeast Hills
- Northgate Park
- Old Farm
- Old Five Points
- Old North Durham
- Omah Street
- Parkwood
- Patterson Place
- Placid Valley
- Popes Crossing
- Preston Woods
- Research Triangle Park
- Rockwood
- Scarsdale Village
- South Square
- Southpoint
- Stadium Heights
- Stephen's Woods
- Treyburn
- Trinity Heights
- Trinity Park
- Tuscaloosa-Lakewood
- Twin Lakes
- Walltown
- Warehouse District
- Watts Hospital-Hillandale
- Wellons Village
- West End
- West Hills
- Willowhaven
- Willowhaven North
- Woodcroft
- Woodlake
- Y. East Smith
- Y. East Smith Community