- Aldbrige
- Angel Oaks
- Ardmore
- Ardmore Village
- Arts District
- Ashford
- Ashley Forest
- Atwood Acres
- Baycreek
- Baywood Forest
- Beacon Hill
- Belview
- Bent Tree Farm
- Bethabara Estates
- Bethabara Historic District
- Biltmore
- Boston Thurmon
- Bowen Park
- Boywood Forest
- Breckingridge
- Briar Glen
- Bridalcreek
- British Woods
- Broadbay Heights
- Brookstown
- Brookwood
- Buena Vista
- Buttonwood Estates
- Canton Forest
- Caroline Village
- Carriage Cove
- Castle Heights
- Castleshine Woods
- Cedar Forest
- Cedar View
- Chadwyck
- Cherry View
- Cherryview
- Clayton Acres
- Colonial Estates
- Colony West
- Country Club
- Cross Winds
- Crystal Towers
- Downtown Winston-Salem
- Drayton Pines
- Dreamland
- East Winston
- East-Northeast Winston-Salem
- Easton
- Edgewood Farms
- Embark Oaks
- Fair Oaks
- Fieldwood
- Flat Rock
- Fleetwood Farms
- Forest Hills
- Forest Park
- Forestdale
- Forsyth Forest
- Georgetown
- Glenn Avenue
- Goler
- Graylyn
- Greenbrier Farms
- Greenway
- Hampton Sted
- Hampton Woods
- Hampton Woodsc
- Hanestown
- Happy Hill
- Heather Hills
- Hillcrest
- Holly Avenue
- Hope Valley
- Huff Hills
- Huntcliff
- Hunter Hills
- Huntington Woods
- Huntscroft
- Janita Lakes Estates
- Jefferson Gardens
- Kimball Acres
- Kimberly Gateway Commons
- Kingstree
- Knob View
- Knollwood Manor
- Konnoak
- McGregor Downs
- Merrimont
- Merrimont Hills
- Millhaven
- Mineral Springs
- Montview
- Moravian Forest
- Morningside Manor
- Mount Tabor
- Mountain Brook
- New Forestdale
- New Sherwood Forest
- North Carolina School of the Arts
- North Central Winston-Salem
- North East Winston
- North Hills
- North Suburban Winston-Salem
- North Winston
- Northampton
- Northeast Suburban Winston-Salem
- Northview
- Northwest Winston-Salem
- Northwoods Estate
- Ogburn Station
- Old Carver
- Old Cherry
- Old Salem
- Old Salem Historic District
- Old Sherwood Forest
- Old Town Heights
- Old Vineyard
- Parkview
- Peace Haven
- Pebbel Creek Estates
- Piedmont Park
- Pinebrook Country Club
- Piney Grove
- Plantation Homes
- Polo Acres
- Prospect Park
- Providence Square
- Retnuh Hills
- Reynolda
- Reynolda Forest-Salem Lake
- Reynolda Park
- Reynoldstown
- Ridgemere
- Robinhood Park
- Robinhood Trails
- Rollinghills
- Roman Acres
- Ryanvaille
- Salem Woods
- Sedge Brook Hills
- Sedge Lake Garden
- Shalimar
- Shattalon Heights
- Shattalon Lake Estates
- Skyland
- Skyline Village Columbia Terrace
- Slater Park
- South Central Winston-Salem
- South Fork
- South Marshall
- South Park
- South Peace Haven
- South Suburban Winston-Salem
- South View
- Southeast Suburban Winston-Salem
- Southeast Winston-Salem
- Southwest Suburban Winston-Salem
- Southwest Winston-Salem
- Stewart Gardens
- Stonebridge
- Stonewall
- Summerfield
- Summit
- Sunnyside
- The Village
- Theatre District
- Town and Country Estates
- Twin Cedars Laurel Park
- Twin City Quarter
- Union Ridge
- Wachovia Highlands
- Wake Forest University
- Washington Park
- Waughtown
- West End
- West End South
- West End Village
- West Highlands
- West Polo Road
- West Salem
- West Side
- West Suburban Winston-Salem
- Weston
- Wilshire Estates
- Winding Woods
- Windsor Estates
- Windsor Place
- Winston Lake Estates
- Wintergreen
- Woodberry Forest