- Beacon Hill
- Biltmore
- Camphor
- Carillon Lakes
- Carpenters Crest
- Central Avenue
- Country Class
- Country Oaks of Lakeland
- Country Trails
- Crystal Lake North
- Cumberland
- Dixieland
- Downtown Lakeland
- East Lake Morton
- Eaton Park
- Edgewater Beach
- Edgewood
- Gibsonia
- Gladys Leggett
- Grasslands
- Imperial
- Jewel Avenue
- John Cox
- Kathleen
- Lake Bentley
- Lake Beulah
- Lake Bonnet
- Lake Bonny
- Lake Hollingsworth
- Lake Horney
- Lake Hunter Terrace
- Lake Somerset
- Lakeland Municipal Airport
- Lakeshore
- Lime Street
- Lone Palm Golf Course
- Munn Park Historic District
- North Lake Wire
- Oakbridge
- Parker Street
- Paul A Diggs
- Pinehurst
- Raintree
- Robson Street
- Shore Acres
- South Crystal Lake
- South Lake Morton Historic District
- Southwest
- Southwest Lakeland
- Swannanoa
- TerraLargo
- Webster Park North
- Webster Park South
- Wedgewood Golf and Country Club
- Westgate
- Winston