- Avondale
- Bond Hill
- California
- Camp Washington
- Carthage
- Central Business District
- Central Delhi
- Clifton
- College Hill
- Columbia Tusculum
- Corryville
- Cotillion Village
- Dayton Street Historic District
- East End
- East Price Hill
- East Walnut Hills
- East Westwood
- English Woods
- Evanston
- Hartwell
- Hyde Park
- Kennedy Heights
- Laurel Homes
- Linwood
- Lower Price Hill
- Lower Price Hill Historic District
- Madison Place
- Madisonville
- Millvale
- Mount Adams
- Mount Airy
- Mount Auburn
- Mount Lookout
- Mount Washington
- North Avondale
- North Fairmount
- Northside
- Oakley
- Over-the-Rhine
- Paddock Hills
- Pendleton
- Pleasant Ridge
- Prospect Hill
- Riverside
- Roselawn
- Sayler Park
- Sedamsville
- South Cumminsville
- Spring Grove Village
- The Heights
- Villages of Roll Hill
- Walnut Hills
- West End
- West Price Hill
- Westwood
- Winton Hills