- 9th and 9th
- Arcadia Heights
- Beacon Heights
- Bennion
- Bonneville Hills
- Broadway District
- Bryant
- Capitol Hill
- Capitol Hill Historic District
- Central 9th
- Central City
- Central City Historic District
- Central City-Liberty Wells
- Central Salt Lake City
- Dilworth
- Douglas
- Downtown Salt Lake City
- East Bench
- East Central
- East Downtown
- East Liberty Park
- Emerson
- Fairmont
- Fairpark
- Federal Heights
- Foothill Sunnyside
- Forest Dale
- Garfield
- Gateway District
- Gilmer
- Gilmer Park
- Glendale
- Glendale Gardens
- Grand View
- Greater Avenues
- Harvard Heights Historic District
- Highland Park
- Jordan Meadows
- Liberty Wells
- Morton Meadows
- Nibley
- Northpoint
- Northwest Quadrant
- Northwest Salt Lake City
- People's Freeway
- Poplar Grove
- Rio Grande
- Rose Park
- Salt Lake City Central Business District
- Salt Palace District
- South State
- South Temple Historic District
- Sugar House
- Sugar House Downtown Business District
- Sugarhouse Park
- Sunnyside East
- The Avenues
- The Avenues Historic District
- The Country Club
- Union Pacific District
- University District
- Upper Harvard Yale Park Historic District
- Wasatch Hollow
- Westminster
- Westpointe
- Westside
- Wilford
- Yalecrest