Looking to sell your property, buy a new home, or just need some expert real estate advice?
REALTOR® living in and serving Las Vegas, NV, as well as all the surrounding communities!
Let's find a home you'll love! I've been in real estate since 2018. The experience I have and lessons I've learned, along with the relentless drive I've developed over the years, gives my clients an edge in every transaction. Clark County is home for life and the future is very bright here! I am committed to providing each client with the best service possible.
Ratings & Reviews
“Michael has been an amazing champion in helping us find our dream home in Sun City Anthem! We were out of town, and he went to the house to do a live Zoom ... Many people were bidding for this special house but Michael locked it in for us! ... We fell in love with the mountain view and the stunning rocks outside the backyard ... Michael is extremely easy and fun to work with ... just a super person with a great sense of humor which always helps! I recommend Michael to everyone in the area!"
Professional Info
9890 S Maryland Pkwy Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89183
NV S.0198661
3 years experience
- first sale transaction (March 2, 2023)
- Age-restricted communities
- First-time buyers
- Relocation
- Art
- Community Activities
- Entertaining
- Family
- Fitness & Exercise
- Food & Cooking
- Health & Wellness
- Music
- Nature
- Outdoor Activities
- Reading
- Sports
- Technology
- Volunteering
- Writing
Bachelor’s Degree, Business Management
2015 - 2019
*Sales data is calculated based on transaction information available to Agent Pronto at the time of publishing and may not accurately reflect all transactions for a given agent.