- 35th Ward Civic Club
- 40th Ward Civic Club
- 48th Ward Civic Club
- Alcy-Ball
- Alta Vista
- Alta Vista Stage
- Annesdale
- Annesdale Park
- Arlington Park
- Audubon Park
- Autumn Ridge
- Avon
- Balmoral
- Barron Manor
- Barton Heights
- Bearwater
- Belle Meade
- Belleair Woods
- Berclair
- Berclair East
- Berclair-Highland Heights
- Bethel Grove
- Binghampton
- Boxtown
- Brenton
- Bridgewater
- Brierwood
- Buntyn
- Burlington
- Capleville
- Carver Heights and Foxcraft
- Castalia
- Cedar Lake
- Central Gardens
- Cherokee
- Chicasaw Gardens
- Chickasaw
- College Park
- Colonial Acres
- Colonial View
- Colonial Willow
- Community Uniting Resource and Energies
- Cooper-Young
- Cordova
- Cordova Club
- Coro Lake
- Cotton Row Historic District
- Countrywood
- Court Square Historic District
- Cresent Avenue
- Crosstown
- Cumberland Farms
- Cypress Creek
- Depot Planning District
- Douglass
- Downtown Memphis
- Dunn Road
- East Buntyn
- East Central Shelby
- East Dison
- East Memphis
- East Midtown
- East Parkway
- Eastwood Manor
- Edge District
- Edwin Circle
- Elliston Heights
- Evergreen Historic District
- Fairhills
- Fairlawn
- Ford Road
- Fox Meadows
- Frayser
- Frayser-Raleigh Pd
- French Fort
- Galloway-Speedway Historic District
- Gardenview
- Gayoso-Peabody Historic District
- Getwell West
- Glenview
- Graceland
- Gragg
- Grahamwood
- Gray's Creek
- Green Glade North
- Green Glade South
- Green Meadows-Poplar Glen
- Greenlaw Historic District
- Greentrees
- Greenway Gardens-Brennan
- Hadley Prescott
- Haleway
- Hamilton
- Handy Holiday Community
- Harbor Town
- Hein Park
- Hickory Hill
- Hickory Hills
- High Point Terrace
- Highland Heights
- Hollywood
- Humes Heights
- Hunters Hollow North
- Hunters Hollow South
- Hyde Park
- Idlewild
- Idlewild Historic District
- Imogene Heights
- Jackson
- Jackson-University Area
- Joffre
- Keswick-Stornaway
- Keswick-Sulgrave
- Kimball
- Kirby Woods
- Klondike
- Klondike Smokey City
- Lake Village
- Lamar
- Laurelwood
- Lea's Woods Historic District
- Lenox
- Linden
- Longview Heights
- Longview Heights Civic Club
- Lundee
- Madison-Monroe Historic District
- Magnolia Barksdale
- Mallory Heights
- Mary Lou Heights
- Mason
- Mc Kellar-Whitehaven-Levi Pd
- Medical District
- Mendenhall Estates
- Messick Buntyn
- Midtown
- Midtown-Central
- Monroe Avenue
- Mount Pisgah
- Mud Island
- New Chicago
- New Pathways
- Nonconnah
- Normal Station
- Normandy Meadows East
- North Memphis
- North Memphis Concerned Citizens
- North Mud Island
- North Parkway Village
- Nutbush
- Oakhaven
- Oakshire
- Oakville
- Oasis of Hope
- Old Hickory Hills Civic Club
- Orange Mound
- Orange Mound Civic Orgganization
- Overton Parkway Historic District
- Parkway Village
- Perkins Waring
- Pidgeon Estates
- Pinch District
- Pinnacle Point
- Pleasant Acres
- Poplar Holmes
- Poplar Pines
- Prospect Park-Rayner-Eloise
- Raleigh
- Raleigh-Ridge Park
- Rangeline
- Red Acres
- Red Oaks
- Rhodes Hollywood Springdale Partnership
- Rhodes View
- Richbriar
- Richland Acres
- Richwood
- River Oaks
- Riverside
- Rocky Point Road Corridor
- Roseleigh
- Rozelle-Annesdale
- Sanga Grove
- Scenic Hills
- Sea Isle Park
- Shadowlawn
- Sherwood Forest
- Shofner-Alice Block Club
- Sixty Point One Ward
- Skylake
- South City
- South End
- South Forum
- South Main
- South Main Street Historic District
- South Memphis
- South Memphis Alliance
- South Memphis Citizens United for Action
- South Memphis Planning Dist
- South Third and Parkway
- Southland Hills
- Southwind
- Springhill Community Civic Club
- St. Nick
- Stage Park Meadows
- Summer Ave
- Sylvan Hills
- The Core
- Union Extended
- University District
- University North
- Uptown
- Valley Forge
- Vaughn Village
- Victor-Kerr
- Village
- Voillintine-Evergreen
- Vollintine Evergreen Avalon Historic District
- Vollintine-Evergreen North Historic District
- Walnut Grove
- Walnut Grove Village
- Washington Heights
- Waynoka
- Weaver Road
- Wellington-Shadowlawn
- West Junction
- Westhaven
- Westside
- Westwood
- Westwood Meadows
- White Oak
- White Station Shady Grove
- Whitehaven
- Whitehaven View
- Williamsburg Colony
- Winchester Park
- Winton
- Woodland Hills