- 12 South
- 2nd-Broadway
- 8th Ave South
- Academy Square
- Antioch-Priest Lake
- Barclay
- Belle Meade Links
- Bellevue
- Bellshire Terrace
- Belmont-Hillsboro
- Bluefields
- Bordeaux Area
- Bordeaux-Whites Creek
- Boscobel Heights
- Brandywine Farms
- Brandywine Pointe
- Brick Church Bellshire
- Buena Vista
- Burkitt Place
- Burton Valley
- Capitol View
- Cedarwood Courtyard
- Charlotte Park
- Charlotte Pike
- Cheekwood
- Cherokee Park
- Chestnut Hill
- Chicksaw Neighbors
- Cleveland Park
- Clifton-Southwest
- Cloverhill
- Cumberland Gardens
- Cumberland View
- Dalemere Area
- Demonbreun
- Dickerson Road
- Donelson Hills
- Donelson-Hermitage-Old Hickory
- Downtown Nashville
- East End
- East Glencliff
- East Hill
- East Nashville
- East View
- Eastwood
- Edgefield
- Edgehill
- Elizabeth Park
- Elliston Place
- Eva Mor Heights
- Fang
- Fisk
- Four Corners
- GRA-Mar Acres
- Germantown
- Glencliff
- Glencliff Estates
- Glengarry
- Green Hills
- Green Hills-Midtown
- Greenwood
- Hadley Park
- Hadley-Washington
- Haynes Area
- Haynes Estates
- Haynes Park
- Heritage Square
- Hermitage Estates
- Heron Walk
- Hickory Bend
- Highland Heights
- Hillsboro-West End
- Hillwood
- Historic Buena Vista
- Historic Waverly
- Hope Gardens
- Inglewood
- Iverson
- Jacksons Retreat
- James Robertson
- Joelton
- Jones-Buena Vista
- Joy Gardens
- Katie Hill
- Lafayette
- Lincoya Hills
- Lipscomb
- Lockeland Springs
- Madison
- Maplecrest
- Maplewood Heights
- Marrowbone
- McFerrin Park
- McKissack Park
- Melrose
- Merry Oaks
- Midtown
- Miro Meadows
- Montague
- Music Row
- Napier Park
- Nashboro Village
- Neelys Bend
- Neighbors of Gibson Drive
- Neighbors of Granny White
- North Nashville
- Northeast Neighborhood Coalition
- Northern Inglewood
- Northwest Nashville
- October Woods
- Old Hickory Village
- Osage-North Fisk
- Parkwood Estates
- Parkwood-Union Hill
- Pennington Bend
- Pennock
- Perry Heights
- Pleasant Acres
- Preston Taylor
- Primrose
- Radnor
- Renraw
- Richland
- Rivendell Woods
- Robertson
- Rolling Acres
- Rosebank
- Russwurm Heights
- Rutledge Hill
- Salemtown
- Scottsboro
- Seven Springs
- Shelby Hills
- Shepherd Hills
- SoBro
- South Harpeth Area
- South Nashville
- Southeast
- Southeast Nashville
- Sulphur Dell
- Sunny Acres
- Sunnyside
- Sunset View
- Sutherland Heights
- Sylvan Heights
- Sylvan Park
- Talbot's Corner
- The Core
- The Gulch
- Treppard heights
- Trinity Lane
- Troppard Heights
- Urbandale Nations
- Valley West
- Vanderbilt
- Villages of Larchwood
- Watkins Park
- Wedgewood-Houston
- West End
- West Meade
- West Meade Farms
- West Nashville
- Whites Bend
- Whitland
- Woodberry Park
- Woodbine
- Woodland-in-Waverly
- Woodlawn
- Woodycrest