- 4th Ward Historic District
- Arbor Glen
- Ashbrook-Clawson Village
- Ashley Park
- Back Creek Church Road
- Ballantyne Country Club
- Ballantyne East
- Ballantyne West
- Barclay Downs
- Beatties Ford-Trinity
- Becton Park
- Belmont
- Berkeley
- Beverly Crest
- Beverly Woods
- Biddleville
- Bradfield Farms
- Briarcreek-woodland
- Brightwalk
- Brookhills
- Brown Road
- Capitol Drive
- Carmel
- Chantilly
- Chapel Cove
- Cherry
- Clanton Park-Roseland
- Closeburn-Glenkirk
- Coliseum Drive
- College Downs
- Collingwood
- Colonial Village
- Commonwealth
- Convention District
- Cotswold
- Coulwood East
- Coulwood West
- Country Club Heights
- Crescent Heights
- Davis Lake-Eastfield
- Derita-Statesville
- Dilworth
- Dilworth Historic District
- Dixie-Berryhill
- Double Oaks
- Druid Hills North
- Druid Hills South
- Eagle Lake
- East Forest
- Eastland-Wilora Lake
- Eastover
- Eastside
- Echo Hills
- Elizabeth
- Enderly Park
- Farm Pond
- Firestone-Garden Park
- First Ward
- Fourth Ward
- Foxcroft
- Freedom Park
- Genesis Park
- Governor's Square
- Greenville
- Grier Heights
- Griers Fork
- Hamilton Circle
- Harbor House
- Harris-Houston
- Harwood Lane
- Hembstead
- Henderson Circle
- Hickory Grove
- Hickory Ridge
- Hidden Valley
- Highland Creek
- Highland Mill Village
- Historic West End
- Hwy 51-Park Road
- Idlewild Farms
- Idlewild South
- J. T. Williams
- Lakewood
- Lansdowne
- Lincoln Heights
- Lockwood
- Longview
- Madison Park
- Mallard Creek-Withrow Downs
- Marlwood
- Marshbrooke
- McAlpine
- Mccrorey Heights
- Mecklenburg Mill Village
- Mineral Springs
- Montclaire South
- Montibello
- Moores Chapel
- Mountain Island
- Mountain Island Lake
- Myers Park
- Nevin Community
- Newell
- Newell South
- NoDa
- North Charlotte
- North Sharon Amity
- Northlake
- Oak Forest
- Oakdale North
- Oakdale South
- Oakhurst
- Oaklawn
- Oakview Terrace
- Olde Providence North
- Olde Providence South
- Olde Whitehall
- Optimist Park
- Oxford Hunt
- Park Crossing
- Pawtuckett
- Pinecrest
- Piper Glen Estates
- Plaza Hills
- Plaza Midwood
- Pleasant Hill Road
- Ponderosa-Wingate
- Prosperity Church Road
- Providence Country Club
- Providence Estates East
- Providence Park
- Providence Plantation
- Provincetowne
- Quail Hollow
- Raintree
- Reid Park
- Revolution Park
- Rockwell Park-Hemphill Heights
- Sardis Forest
- Sardis Woods
- Second Ward
- Sedgefield
- Seven Eagles
- Seversville
- Shamrock
- Shannon Park
- Sharon Woods
- Sheffield Park
- Sherwood Forest
- Silverwood
- Smallwood
- Somerset
- SouthPark
- Southampton
- Southeast Charlotte
- Southside Park
- Starmount
- Starmount Forest
- Sterling
- Stone Creek Ranch
- Stonehaven
- Sugaw Creek
- Summey Heights
- Sunset Road
- The Glen
- The North End
- The Palisades
- The South End
- Third Ward
- Thomasboro-Hoskins
- Todd Park
- Toddville Road
- Touchstone Village
- Tryon Hills
- University City
- University City North
- University City South
- University Park
- Uptown
- Villa Heights
- Washington Heights
- Wendover-Sedgewood
- Wesley Heights
- Wessex Square
- West Blvd
- West Sugar Creek
- Westchester
- Westerly Hill
- Westover Hills
- Westside
- Whiteoak
- Wildwood
- Wilmore
- Wilmore Historic District
- Wilson Heights
- Windsor Park
- York Road
- Yorkmount
- Yorkshire